The Week Of WIPS!!!!

So this week I, like all crafters, have many things on the go. I love being able to chose a project for every mood I’m in.

So to the people not fluent in the lingo, all these part finished projects are known as WIPS (Works In Progress). These are the items that crafters couldn’t possibly have finished as this other project caught their eye and we just cant wait to start it! Now every year my resolution is to not have more than 1 WIP at a time, not this year, this year I vow to cast on as many project as I fancy. Well the other way wasn’t working for me so I decided to try a new approach.

I currently have 3 pairs of socks on the needles, all of which either need a whole partner or actually just need the toe adding to finish them up!

I’ve also got my story skeins rolag club shawl on a set of circulars too, this is in need of an epic name. basically I saw this scarf that I liked the idea of but the pattern was in Russian. after google translate, I really didn’t fancy casting on 288 stitches and working with 25 stitch markers ( not that I don’t have 25 stitch markers at least, I’d just prefer not to use them all at once). Plus I wanted the steps to be more defined. So came about his shawl. It takes the best part of the other pattern plus some maths plus some imagination plus a whole heap of guess work but at the moment its working. I am actually getting the desired effect. This is something to be proud of course.

Now on to the small (huge) matter of the rolags from which I am making this scarf. they come in a gorgeous box, 6 rolags, a 40m mini skien of hand spun, tea bags and stitch markers and various other extras. the box is delightful to receive and each month it celebrates a forgotten holiday, this month it was the turn of Plough Monday. This traditionally being celebrated on the first Monday after the 12th day of Christmas.Tthe rolags wereย  made up so they could be spun into a gorgeous gradient yarn going from sparkly white, through grey to blue with the mini skein bringing up the rear in midnight. To say its stunning is an understatement. I was so excited to spin it, hat it was done and ready in the hour after receiving the box.

I am also hooking up a gorgeous lace weight shawl as a pattern tester. Now I consider myself extremely lucky to be able to do this kind of thing. its almost like designer has entrusted their baby with you to do the best you possibly can. boy is this pattern a treat for the eyes. all will be revealed in due course.

Of course I have spinning on the go too but this top secret till next month, I assure you its worth the wait though ๐Ÿ™‚

Well I shall leave you to what I am sure will be a very crafty week, enjoy and remember do the things you like. If you find your not loving what your working on that’s ok just move on. There’s plenty more projects to explore and patterns just waiting to be scouted out. why not give that craft you’ve always fancied a go, you never know it might be the best thing you’ve ever done.


12 in 12

Well first of Happy New Year to everyone.

Second, this year I have decided to complete 12 pairs of socks, one a month. I’ve so far found 6 skeins of sock yarn, I will acquire the rest over the year.

I also want to spin enough dk yarn to make some boot socks for winter but this will be done during the summer I think.

This month I won’t be starting a new pair but rather making the partner to the 4 lonely socks. I’m not sure I can be accused of cheating as I will have to make 4 socks instead of 2!

I am also currently spinning up a storm that will be a lovely surprise which will be revealed in February sometime. It’s all very exciting.

This year will see lots of fun spinning and other fibre works.

Now to take down the tree……

